Marketing And Types of Marketing (50+ Types)

Types of Marketing - StudyShout, Types of Marketing strategy, different types of marketing strategies


There are Types of Marketing & different types of Marketing Strategies used for promotion. Types of Marketing Strategy are based on the product of the company. Different Marketing Strategies are used to promote a new product or service in the market.
Marketing is a broad concept. Among all the functional areas in management, marketing is of great importance. People involved in the marketing department should have the following skills:

  • Communication Skills
  • Attention to detail
  • Teamwork skills
  • Planning skills
  • Creative & innovative
  • Convincing skills
  • Numerical skills

For the new product or service, marketing or promotion of the product plays a very important role in the sales. Marketing makes people aware about the product or service and makes the public to buy it.

If we study marketing concept carefully, there are thousands of ways to market any product or service. Marketing is of various types.


  • Relationship Marketing
  • Cause Marketing
  • Inbound Marketing
  • Guerilla Marketing
  • E-mail Marketing
  • Direct Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Account-based Marketing
  • Buzz Marketing
  • Catalog Marketing
  • Celebrity Marketing
  • Network Marketing
  • Community Marketing
  • Content Marketing
  • Cross-media Marketing
  • Cultural Marketing
  • Defensive Marketing
  • Offensive Marketing
  • Tradeshows
  • Sandwichmen
  • Disruptive Marketing
  • Door-to-door Marketing
  • Event Marketing
  • E-commerce Marketing
  • Freebie Marketing
  • Green Marketing
  • Global Marketing
  • Local Marketing
  • Multi-Level-Marketing (MLM)
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Newsletter Marketing
  • Niche Marketing
  • Offline Marketing
  • Place Marketing
  • Pay-per-click Marketing (PPC)
  • Promotional Marketing
  • Product Marketing
  • Referral Marketing
  • Push Marketing
  • Pull Marketing
  • Remarketing
  • Seasonal Marketing
  • Services Marketing
  • Social Marketing
  • Television Marketing
  • Radio Marketing
  • Street Marketing
  • Voice Marketing
  • Viral Marketing
  • Video Marketing
  • Youth Marketing
  • Word-of-mouth Marketing
  • Banners or Hoardings Marketing
  • Festive Marketing


So, we have seen more than 50 Types of Marketing which are listed above. By seeing the above list of Different Marketing Strategies, we came to know that marketing is a broad concept and there are thousands of ways to market or advertise any product or service.

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Marketing And Types of Marketing (50+ Types) Marketing And Types of Marketing (50+ Types) Reviewed by BK on December 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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