Ideal Management Styles for Business Excellence

Effective or Ideal Management Styles or Model - StudyShout, Business Excellence

Ideal Management Style

Do You Know The Ideal Management Model For Your Company?

The quest for Business Excellence is routine in every company that wants to leverage business, gain competitiveness and increase profitability and profitability.
To put the Business Excellence Management into practice, the organization must work on such things as:

  •   Definition of Mission, Vision, and Values
  •   Creation of a Strategic, Tactical and Operational Planning
  •   Elaboration of a Business Budget for at least 1 year
  •   Creation of Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  •   Definition of adequate tools to obtain controls and statistics

Along with this process, the company needs to define the Management Model that it will adopt. In this case, some of the options include:

  •  Management by Results
  •  Process management
  •  Participative management

The definition of the management model will depend on how the organization visualizes the company-employee relationship and the goals it seeks. To better understand, check out Zoe Talent Solutions that deals especially with Results Management, Process Management, and Participatory Management.

Why Adopt A Results Oriented Management Model?

Among the main reasons for the application of Management by Results, we have:

Because it is a results-oriented process, it focuses 100% on goal setting and control, encouraging managers and teams to plan their actions in more detail.
As everyone participates, Managers and Employees know what is expected of them. This avoids ambiguities of function or possible confusion.

Managers are now forced to set measurable goals (we're talking about SMART goals, remember?) And performance standards and priorities for those goals. In addition, the responsibilities and authority of staff are clearly established.

Collaborators are more aware of company goals and are more involved in organizational goals, feeling as key parts of the company (and they really are).

Managing for Results highlights points where employees need additional Training, leading to career development (in that regard, you've already seen our article A Career Management of a Controller:

How To Develop A Career Plan In Controllership For You To Grow Professionally?

With periodic evaluations and constant feedbacks, employees get a better sense of their performance. In addition, because Results Oriented Management emphasizes quantifiable goals, the measurement and evaluation of individual performance are more objectives.

Improves Communication between team and managers.

How To Apply The Management By Results In The Company?

  •  Check the company goals. Are they clearly formulated? Are they realistic? The first step for Results Oriented Management is to have 'SMART' goal and goals. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the entire company has knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of strategic planning.

  •  Ensure that managers and board members are equally involved and motivated to engage the team.

  •  Management by Results should also be seen as a general management philosophy throughout the organization.

  •  Objectives should be continually revised and modified as we are talking about companies suffering from internal and external threats. Whenever a problem is verified, the correction must be made immediately.

  •  All personnel involved must have a clear understanding of their role and the expectations that must be met.

  • Establish periodic feedback meetings.

  • Establish performance indicators so the team can visually assess performance against goals.

At the end of the day, do not forget reward employees for their commitment and achievement of results.

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Ideal Management Styles for Business Excellence Ideal Management Styles for Business Excellence Reviewed by BK on December 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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