How To Develop A Training Program For Employees

How To Develop A Training Program For Employees - StudyShout, Employee Training, Staff Training

The company can provide training but the question is How to Develop a Training Program for Employees. Employee Training or Staff Training is very important to improve their skills and knowledge regarding the working environment.

As we all know, Training and Development are very important for the employees as well as for the employer, the question arises on the part of an employer is how to develop a training program for employees

There is no strict rule book on the training program for the employees. It depends on the type of company, work, budget etc. So, Training program changes from company to company and from work to work. Here are some important points to consider before developing the training program:

1. Identification of Skills gap:

Having some extra skills in employees is a great thing for the company. There are also some basic skills required for a particular work. If employees are lacking in the skills required for their job, it is time to develop their skills and improve worker productivity.

Staff Training or Employee Training starts with the identification of the skills gap in employees. After identifying the skills the employees are lacking in their work next step is to choose the mode or method of training.

2. Selecting the Appropriate Training Methods:

There are hundreds of training methods available to train the employees. Training methods are either on the job training methods or off the job training methods.

It depends on the type of work and cost occurs during the training process. A company selects training method with effective results with minimum cost. Here are some training methods:
  • Lectures
  • On-the-job Training
  • Role Playing
  • Job Rotation
  • The Conference Method
  • Team Discussion
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Training Center Training
  • Internship Training
  • Simulation
  • Training Institute

3. Measuring Productivity before Training Session:

The primary motive of any training program is to improve the efficiency of employees. If a company lacks in improving the skills of their employees, the cost, time and energy invested in the training program becomes useless. So, the measurement of results is very important before training sessions.

Measurement of the results before the training session is important in comparing before and after training performance of the employees. It also helps in forecasting What kinds of return company will get if it will do Staff Training or Employee Training?

4. Implementation of Training Program:

This stage is very helpful in the development of skills and knowledge of the employees. If the company has implemented a training program in the absence of an expert trainer to reduce the training cost, ultimately company has to bear the cost. 

The reason is, due to an improper training program employees will face lack of skills in their work and it may lose their morale ultimately the employees turnover ratio will be increased and cost for Recruitment and Selection of the new candidates will occur.

5. Measuring Actual Results with Expected Results:

After the implementation of the training program, the next step is to measure the actual results with expected results. If the company finds no improvement or changes in the employees' performance even after the implementation of the training session then there must be any problem with the training program.

Due to the comparison of expected results and actual results, it becomes easy for the company to analyze the efficiency of the training program.


So in this article, we discussed How to Develop A Training Program for Employees. Before the development of any training program, the goal or motive must be clear i.e. the purpose of providing training must be cleared.

Generally, there is no exact training development process. Each company has its own process for staff training development. Here, we have discussed Employee Training development in five stages. Each stage plays a crucial role in the training program.

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How To Develop A Training Program For Employees How To Develop A Training Program For Employees Reviewed by BK on November 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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